Working Out of the Home after 10 Years of Staying Home!


Besides a few weeks as a babysitter, and a term as a substitute Science teacher, I have been a stay home wife since I got married. 

And when you consider that most of my time teaching was online during COVID, it really amounted to a work-from-home job nonetheless!

So, it really has been 10 years of being a stay-home mom working from home 😮💖.

So, What Did I Do All This Time🤔?

Of course I spent my time caring for my husband, children and the house. I didn’t do EVERYTHING, though. I have a great husband who is an EXCELLENT cook, so he handles 65% of the food preparation. (Don’t ask me how I arrived at that figure – I didn’t do an actual scientific investigation🤭!)

My husband is also very helpful with general household chores. And now that I work out of the home, he attends to the children a lot more.

So, staying home for ten years was about the house, husband and children, but it has involved so much more. 

During this time, I started my two youtube channels. I also managed to generate a little income through freelance writing. In fact, these 10 years at home have shown me that I LOVE writing. 

So how are we handling the change?

It’s been a bit hectic, but we are reaching a place of balance. I have two days off each week, and if I work on a weekend, I get to take the children with me. How? Because I work for a Homeowners’ Association (HOA) at their community centre where there is a playground🥳🎉. 

It’s a new experience, but overall, the family is enjoying it🙂.

Do I still want to be a stay home mom earning an income through blogging and youtubing?  Of course! But until then, I accept and enjoy this new season!

What new season are you or your family in now🤔? Let me know in the comments👍🏽.

We’re on YouTube too!







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