Funny Things Children Say to Their Parents

If you enjoy funny things children say to their parents, then you’re in the right spot!

I first started this family blog as a way to record and share the interesting things my children tend to say. It has since become an online collection of photos, artwork, inspirational stories, and even our own YouTube channel!  But the original purpose still remains: I get to spread the joy and laughter of funny things children say to their parents (and also to each other!)

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Funny Things Children Say to Their Parents

Funny Things Children Say to Parents, happy parents and children photos, my quiver full dot com

Funny Things Children say to Parents, No. 1 – “But I asked God!”

I had just put my 5-year-old son on a mini “grounding” for something he had done wrong. 

To my surprise, a few minutes later I saw him outside playing with his sisters.

Me: “What are you doing outside?! Did you ask my permission?!”

My son: “But I asked God!”


He thought he could get away from his obligation to obey me by bringing God into the argument! He thought his “spiritual” point was a sure way to get me to cave so he could have his own way!

I guess he forgot that it’s the same God who says children should obey their parents!


This statement has been etched in my memory as one of the funny things children say to their parents.

Funny Things Children say to Parents, No. 2 – “Mommy, I want you to have 11 children.”

This is another unforgettable and funny thing my children have said, in this case, coming from my son. One day he suddenly felt inspired to ask me for more brothers and sisters. Shocking request, don’t you think?

This is how it all unfolded.

My son had been staying home one day for a clinic appointment. (Nothing serious like what was happening in one of my previous posts, just a booster shot.)

After we had taken his sisters on the short walk to school, he and I were back at home chillaxing.

We were chit-chatting about random things until our conversation reached a pivotal and defining moment.

He: Mommy, why do you have only three children? I want you to have eleven children.

Me: Why do you want me to have eleven children?

He: I like many children and want us to be a big family.


Well, to be fair to my son, I used to want ten children🤦🏽‍♀️. 

But now, no.

Like almost six years since I’ve had a tubal ligation, no.

So, if my son wants his dream to come true, he had better look in the direction of multiple adoptions (which my husband and I have casually discussed before) OR, Divine intervention!

Barring those, I’m sure my son will get over it, right? (Let me know in the comments if you think he will!)

Since then, I often use their times of disobedience to point out that I could not handle their behaviour multiplied by four😬!  This certainly ranks high in the shocking and funny things children say!

Funny Things Children say to Parents, No. 3 – “Can Jesus pay that all?”

My very intelligent oldest daughter enters the list of funny things children say, when she was quick to point out my folly during a Christmas holiday that the children got to spend with their maternal grandparents. 

When grandma took them shopping, one of them asked for something that wasn’t on grandma’s list (and hence, not within grandma’s budget😉).

So, grandma asked ME if I could fit the bill.

I answered by jokingly singing: 🎶Jesus paid it all. 🎼All to Him I owe…🎵. 

(I was jokingly using that common Christian song phrase to say that I wouldn’t need to pay at the cashier because “Jesus paid it all!” Get it??🤷🏽‍♀️)

Well, I guess my oldest daughter didn’t get it because she quickly turned to me and asked: “Can Jesus pay that all?!”

OK. Fine🙄! She was right!

When we sing or say that Jesus paid IT all, we’re only referring to the price for our sins…I knew that!

So, technically, Jesus can’t pay all alls. Certainly, I would need to pay up the people’s money or I would be accused of shoplifting! 🤭

Imagine my shame as I was corrected by my mentally sharp child. Of course, Jesus dying on the cross is for our sins, not to pay our supermarket bills🤣. He didn’t pay for THAT!

Funny Things Children say to Parents, No. 4 – “We will very pray for you!”

I love to hear my children pray. So, it was touching to hear them say goodbye to their father one morning. They were trying to tell their dad how hard they would be praying for him as he left home. In their own loving and childlike words, they promised to VERY pray for him!

Here’s the story.

Dad: OK guys. I’m leaving now. Bye!

The children (With much loudness and chaos – please take a moment to imagine it!): Bye, daddy! Have a safe trip! We will pray, pray, pray for you! We will VERY pray for you!

Hands up if you need someone to VERY pray for you🙋🏾‍♀️😆!

This is a funny thing children can say to their parents, but I also think it’s very sweet.

Funny Things Children say to Parents, No. 5 – “Clarendon is lean!”

When my oldest daughter kept on having accidents, she didn’t think it was her fault. No! If you are always spilling juice on your clothes, it might be that the whole land isn’t level. So, she complained that each time she comes to Clarendon (a parish in Jamaica where we have relatives), that’s when spills happen. Conclusion: Clarendon is LEAN🤣!

Here is some background to this very funny thing my child said.

We had gone visiting family and as usual, my children were the rambunctious life of the party. 

As expected, there were slips and spills, disagreements and disgruntlement. My older daughter specifically had several juice spilling incidents, and she tried her best to appease mom before said mom could get upset. 

Her last, unforgettable attempt at taking the blame off herself involved incriminating geological structures.

In her own words:

“Every time I come to Clarendon, I spill something on myself. Something is wrong with Clarendon – Clarendon is LEAN!”

There is no way her frequent clumsiness could be her fault! Her mom must be alerted to the geographic inequalities in the surrounding terrain that cause spills to keep happening. 

The ground just happened to be uneven only when her five-year old feet were walking on it!

It should be interesting to hear the revolutionary excuse she’ll use to explain her next mishap. 

What are some hilarious things children ever said to you?

I hope you enjoyed these memorable and funny things children say to their parents. Which one was your favourite🤔? 

Let me know in the comments!


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